The ultimate crow hunter pack includes all the essential accessories to effectively control crows without breaking the bank!
Magpie shape.
Flocked crow shape equipped with a sound system that mimics the song of corvids.
Appelant Pie Bavarde floquée - Duckhunter
Removable flocked crow head forms x12
New crow decoy with removable head. The pack of 12 forms.
New crow decoy with removable head.
New flocked crow decoy. The pack of 12 shapes.
Raven shape with open and flexible wings to add movement to your harness.
New raven-eating chard flocked.
The expert crow hunter pack to give crows in your area a hard time without breaking the bank!
Set of 12 flocked crow decoys + 1 crow call Corbak Hunter
The classic and essential flocked crow decoy.
Corvid Pack Start: Get started with corvid hunting!
Hunt corvids in 2.0 mode with these 12 flocked crow decoys in various postures.
Corvid Shell Pack
36-pack of flocked crow shapes
The classic crow shape flocked on legs.
New forms of magnum crows with different attitudes Final Approach
The crow carousel is an essential accessory for all corvid hunters. It allows you to add movement to your decoys during your crow hunts.
Easy-to-store and transport flocked crow decoy. The pack of 12 decoys.
Are you looking to start crow hunting without breaking the bank? This pack contains the essentials for the crow hunter.
Metal base for pigeon & crow decoys
Metal base for pigeon and crow decoys
New forms of flocked magnum crows in various attitudes Final Approach
Easy-to-store and transport flocked crow shell shape.