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The Expert Crow Hunter Pack
The expert pack has been designed for hunters looking to effectively target crows. It gathers all the essentials to form a setup that will attract crows to your hideout!
Give Crows a Hard Time!
Crow hunting is exciting and essential for regulating a population that is growing exponentially across France. These large black birds have a bad reputation, and their hunting is often neglected, yet it represents a real challenge for the hunter. Deceiving the wariness of crows and other corvids is not an easy task. In addition to protecting the small game that populates your plains, hunting crows in the spring allows you to use your gun during the off-season and create strong bonds with farmers. The expert crow hunter pack will enable you to create a setup that will attract crows to your hideout! It consists of the indispensable crow carousel and its three flocked forms. The carousel adds movement to your setup and focuses the attention of crows. It contains 18 flocked crow forms to mimic the presence of a small group of feeding crows, and the varied attitudes of each decoy will increase the realism of your setup. The pack includes the essential Magik Crow call to attract the attention of crows from great distances. It also contains a form bag to facilitate the transport of your decoys to the hideout.
Usage Tips for the Crow Hunter Pack
Position the crow carousel in the immediate vicinity of your hideout, at a distance of less than 30 meters. Install the flocked crow forms around the carousel without following a specific order. When they frequent the plains to feed, crows and other corvids are in constant motion. The carousel coupled with these few forms will be sufficient to create a realistic setup. The call is to be used to attract the attention of crows from great distances. When the birds approach your hideout, it is unnecessary to continue calling them.
The expert crow hunter pack consists of:
- Crow carousel and its three flocked forms
- 6 flocked crow forms
- 6 flocked feeding crow forms
- 6 flocked movable head crow forms
- Corbak Hunter crow call
- Mesh Duck Hunter decoy bag
Total pack value: 163.24€
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